Camuna Cavi & LAPP Poland for Hungary’s Hydrogen Production Facility
Lapp Poland awarded the tender for the supply of electrical cables for a plant of Hydrogen and CO in Kanzincbarcika, Hungary.
According to the plans, a maximum of 48,000 cubic meters of hydrogen and 12,000 cubic meters of carbon dioxide would be produced at the plant per hour.
The end user, to meet its continuous energy needs, has created an additional plant which is mainly dedicated to the production of hydrogen.
Camuna Cavi is proud to have taken part in the realization of this project by providing instrumentation and thermocouple extension cables.
The collaboration between Lapp Poland and Camuna Cavi was fundamental to meet all customer needs. The synergy between the two Companies was the right key to win the tender and to obtain the order.

The Cables supplied
Instrumentation cables 300V according to constructive standard EN 50288-7, Thermocouple extension cables type Kx and Nx.
All products supplied are flame retardant as per IEC 60332-1 and CPR Class Eca tested and approved.
The project included a lot of different sections, starting from 2x1 up to 16x3x1, with individual and overall shields and steel wire braid armor.
Cables provided have an excellent resistance to temperature changes, since they can be installed in environments with a thermal excursion ranging from -40°C / + 105°C.